How to chase your dream

When we are chasing the desires God has placed on our heart, this is when we step into His will for our lives. As the year ends, what does this look like for you? What has the Lord placed on your heart? What do you want next year? Where do you see yourself? 2023 can be the year that you chase the dream that God has on your heart. Step out in faith and give your heart’s desires to the Lord. 

The Lord has placed unique callings on each of our lives. It is with these callings that we can serve Him and advance the Gospel. God has given each of us different gifts, talents and personalities that are to be used for His glory. When we know who He created us to be, this is when we can chase after our dreams. 

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” 

Think about the work He wants to do in us through the dreams he has for us to pursue. The Lord is taking each of us on an adventure. Don’t be afraid to dream big. The Lord has created you for such a time as this. He is going to use you for His kingdom. There is a whole world waiting for your impact. There are people who need you to share the hope that is found in Jesus. 

1. Let the Lord guide your dream

Surrender your heart and desires to the Lord. Let the Lord guide you and your dream. Trust that He knows the desires of your heart. Trust that He will guide you in His everlasting ways. 

2. Write out your dream

Write out exactly what the Lord has placed on your heart. Why is this stirring within you? What is your vision for this dream? Turn your dream into a prayer. Give it to the Lord and let His will be done with it. 

3. Find connections and resources 

Think about connections, resources and relationships that might be helpful in chasing your dream. Start thinking of these connections. Is there a skill you need to gain? What or who can help you get to where you need to go. Is there a book or class you need to take? What resources do you need to be equipped with?

4. Devote time 

When that first step is taken, the next one is to devote time.Time management is very  important, you only get 24 hours a day. How you use those 24 hours is dependent on your success. If you want to chase a dream, you have to manage your 24 hours. You have to run with those hours or those hours will be gone, never to return. The real question is will you use your 24 hours each day to get to your destination, or will you allow those hours to be occupied with TV, social media and complaining about what you don’t have instead of waking up every morning excited to see the miracle that God has in front of you for the day!

5. Be open to change

Be open to adapting new habits, trying new things, taking on new experiences and saying yes to opportunities. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to change. God knows we will never be perfect, that’s why He sent His Son to die for us because of that truth.

Go into 2023 with fresh vision. It is easy to put God in a box. That is not the nature of His character though. God is so big. He hears us, He knows our hearts. Rest in that truth today. He sees your situation and has a plan for you. At Every Arkansan, our prayer is to see more people stepping into their God-given dreams. The more people that are chasing their dreams, the greater the impact there is going to be in the world. 

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16:3


2022 reflection


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