Supporting bivocational pastors in Arkansas

Pastor Eduardo Abril from De Queen, Arkansas shepherds a church of 100 people at El Centro Cristiano De Queen. Not only is Abril a full-time pastor, he is also a full-time bank officer. For 20 years, he has been balancing his family, church and career as a banker. His story is similar to the over one-million pastors across the United States. This statistic speaks to the need to support and encourage pastors. 

A research study by Barna interviewed over 900 pastors. Of those interviewed, 42% said they were seriously considering quitting ministry because of burnout. Abril knows firsthand the immense stress that comes with being a pastor. To support him in balancing it all is his family, church and community. 

“My family helps me a lot. My wife and girls help me so much. I also have a great group of leaders at the church that help as well. They are patient and are there for me when I cannot do it all. I try to rely on other people,” Abril said. 

When coming alongside pastors, it is important to remind them to take a break. Abril encourages pastors to listen to their body. If they are tired and weary, rest. 

“When your body says to take a rest, do it. It is very important. You cannot have two jobs without taking a rest. You have to have a break,” Abril reflected. 

Abril looks to Jesus’ ministry as an example. After healing several people and calling His disciples, Jesus withdrew to be by himself and pray. Luke 5:16 says, “But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” This scripture is  a reminder that one cannot do it all. 

“As a pastor, you cannot do it all by yourself,” Abril said. “You need other people around. You also cannot control everything either. I have learned to say “no” because I don’t have time to do everything.”

Pastors need to be reminded they are doing good work. Church members, family and friends can affirm pastors and encourage them in the work they are doing. They need to hear they are supported. They need people in their corner. 

Practical ways to love and encourage pastors could be a handwritten note or a quick email expressing appreciation for their devotion to ministry. This could also look like a gift card to your pastor's favorite restaurant so their family can enjoy a meal together. 

Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” CityServe Arkansas wants to ensure no pastor’s needs go unmet. Their heart and devotion to see God’s people know Him deeper is invaluable. To donate and support pastors in the CityServe network, visit For more information about CityServe, visit 


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