Changing Lives: The Arkansas Dream Center takes kids on an unforgettable Spring Break trip to Dallas

The trip was filled with smiles, memories, new experiences and friendships. Every spring, the Arkansas Dream Center takes kids on a Spring Break trip. This annual trip allows kids who might not ever leave the state experience their world outside of Central Arkansas. The trip is an opportunity the kids don’t want to miss, anticipation and excitement builds around it. 

This spring, the Dream Center took 12 fifth and sixth graders on a 3-day trip to Dallas, Texas. The COVID-19 pandemic delayed the annual trip for three years- this made it all the more special for the kids. 

In a few short days, the kids got to attend a Dallas Mavericks basketball game, visit the Dallas Aquarium, see the world from the top of Reunion Tower and slide down water slides at Epic Waters. Amongst all the fun activities, at the heart of the trip were the relationships that were fostered. The Spring Break trip is always memorable because of the time that is spent getting to know the kids. It is an opportunity for staff to be intentional, listen well and encourage them. 

As the Dream Center staff reflected on the trip, the best memories were the ones spent pouring into kids spiritually and emotionally, all while watching them see the world with wonder and excitement.

Staff Reflections: 

“During the trip, the team took the kids to “Heard Gardens,” a walking trail with various exhibits of nature, animals, etc. As our group of boys were walking down the path, I ended up next to Zamarion, a kid I have known now for quite some time, even though I haven’t seen him lately. We were simply talking about the things that he was seeing, then he looked over at me and said something that really touched my heart. He said, “Mr. Zach, I feel like it’s so easy just to talk to you about anything and I feel like you actually listen to me when I talk. People don’t really listen when I talk, but I can tell that you really listen and I like that. It makes me feel good.” 

I was touched by this type of impact I was making. All I said back was, “Well, yeah, absolutely bud, all of us at the Dream Center care about you and we want to make sure we listen to you when you talk.” I just wrapped my arm over his shoulder and hugged him tight as we continued to walk down the path. It was a quick moment, but definitely special and a great reminder of why discipleship is so important. When disciplining someone, you truly never know how impactful the little moments are.”

Zach Grimes- Arkansas Dream Center Mobile Truck Lead

“Here at the Dream Center we love consistency and building relationships with the families that come through our doors. Having done the Spring Break trip for many years now, the trip really speaks to those two core values. This year’s group was fun to take and they had a great time. A small moment that stood out to me was when we got back from the trip and all the kids were getting picked up by their parents. One of the last kids to be picked up waited patiently until his ride showed up. When they  did show up, I recognized the driver. It was a young man that went with us on our very first trip to Dallas in 2017. It was so cool to see that both of those boys have had the same experiences, stayed in the same places and experienced the same life-giving trip to Dallas. At that moment, I felt very thankful for our staff, volunteers and donors that are willing to consistently invest into our families for not just one time, but for the long haul.” 

Marius Mauthe- Arkansas Dream Center Director 

“What an amazing trip! I loved watching the girls change their perspectives, grow and expand their horizons and bond with each other. 

I think it’s hard to change your perspective when you have the same mundane routine everyday. For the kids, getting to be in a completely different atmosphere learning about animals and science, the excitement of an NBA game, these experiences brought them together. Even driving through downtown Dallas was mind blowing to them as they saw the big buildings. 

One of the girls told me her favorite part was visiting Reunion Tower. She couldn’t believe how small everything looked from above. She was amazed how precisely and intricately the tower was built. She was in awe of how much she could see. That made her realize that there ARE bigger dreams and careers in the world that she can do when she grows up. She’s not just limited to what’s around her.” 

Kalin Salman- Afterschool Coach 

I’m always surprised by the changes I see after the Dallas trip. I don’t know when it happens or how, but a bond is built on this trip. Things don’t always go as planned and the kids sometimes don’t act like angels, but I believe God reveals things to our kids on this trip that wouldn’t be possible if they were surrounded by their day-to-day back home. I see the effects in how they interact with each other and with the staff. There is more respect, compassion, appreciation, trust and vulnerability.

I loved a moment we had with the girls at the Heard Nature Museum. It wasn’t the shiniest of stops on our itinerary, but it was a chance for them to get out in nature, slow down and look for plants and animals. There was a pioneer village for them to play in and one of the buildings was a church. Inside the walls were covered with scripture. We had each girl choose one and read it out loud. They helped each other find verses and read. It was a sweet moment of peace where they were doing something so powerful which was reading the Word of God over each other. 

I’m so thankful for the Dallas trip and the experiences our kids get to have. It’s growing life giving relationships, dreams being discovered and God being encountered in new ways.” 

Kindalh Hoover- Afterschool Director 


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