Heart of a servant

When we serve, our hearts are postured outwardly so we can see and meet the needs of those around us. Serving is a selfless act. Serving humbles us. We have the opportunity to meet people in the middle of their heartbreak, joy, sorrow and pain. We can be examples of Christ’s love and the hope that is found in Him. 

Why serve:

In the Bible, we see Jesus as the example of a true, humble servant. In Philippians 2, it says that Jesus “emptied himself by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” 

God stepped down to earth in the form of a servant. Jesus spent his time on earth serving others. From this example, we should also serve others as this was a significant part of His ministry. 

In verse 3, the Bible tells us what it means to serve others. The scripture says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” With humility in our hearts, we are to see the value in people and meet their needs. 

For nonprofit organizations, volunteers are the heartbeat of their ministry. Without willing and faithful volunteers, nonprofits cannot continue their work. People with a servant's heart create thriving ministries as they continue to meet the needs of others. 

Not only do nonprofits need volunteers, but people need to volunteer. The Mayo Clinic conducted research and found that volunteering has added health benefits. Volunteering is linked to reduced stress, anxiety and depression. When you volunteer, dopamine is released creating positive and relaxed feelings. Volunteering also comes with relational health benefits such as a sense of purpose and new relationships. 

Heart of a servant: 

We can look to the heart of God as our example. We don’t deserve the love of God or that he would send his son to die on the cross for our sins. With this truth, we can serve others because we don’t deserve the ultimate sacrifice given by our holy and powerful God. The true servant came to serve us. We can serve others because of this. 


How to love thy neighbor: 5 steps to making impactful relationships


How to love your neighbor