Tony Phillips, Your purpose is found in the most relational places

Guest Blog Post: Tony Phillips, CityServe Arkansas Director

I had no idea that where I am today was actually 30 years in the making. I could have never imagined that I would be working in ministry and with those recovering from drug addiction. Everything that has been lined up for me over the years encompasses exactly what I get to do today. From my jobs, to my failures, to opportunities I have had, all these moments have led and shaped my purpose today. 

There was a time when I didn’t really know my purpose- and I think a lot of people struggle with this as well. Although I didn’t know what it was, my purpose was always there. 

To discover it, I found that the areas God has gifted me in ultimately led to where He has called me. Gifting  and purpose go hand and hand. God has gifted you in areas that are to be used for His glory and purpose. I think back on my gifts. I love people and I want to make them feel seen and important. The Lord has elevated these gifts throughout my life. From my time working in management, I found these gifts were used as I led people. 

Along with your God-given gifts, I have also learned that your circle of influence will also drive your purpose. Someone is always watching what you do. People see how you talk, carry yourself, your actions and your habits. Consistency in your actions is so important in driving your purpose. When fostering your circle of influence, at the heart of it all is relationships. Purpose is started and driven by relationships. The little proactive steps you take that might not seem that big ultimately lead to your purpose. Someone is always leading you into what you are gifted in without you really knowing it. Maybe this is a teacher, coach or co-worker. They see the best and want to draw that out from you. They see what God has called you to do and who He has created you to be. 

At the end of the day, every believer’s purpose is found in discipleship. It’s all about teaching, learning and doing. We have to do this in our life because we have to turn around and disciple others. We must lead by example. These habits are driven by consistency in our actions. Learn, teach, do in relationships. 

I love the verse in Jeremiah 29:11. As much as this verse is preached, it truly is a message of hope. 

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” 

The Lord has a plan for each and every one of His people. He already knows where He is leading us. He has already created you with a plan to fulfill His purpose. Know today that the Lord has you in mind. You are created in His image for His purpose. We must be still and walk in obedience at the center of His will. Soak in where God has you today. 


Kindalh Hoover, Living with grace and compassion, daily


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